尚、本編 「Tatsuya Dejima Concert Movie」は :5曲(Venus、Desert Wind、June Symphonia、Gone Away、Khumbu Himal、全5曲+演奏方法や楽曲の説明などのトーク含む約50分、約5.5GB)で、ダウンロード販売価格:4000円(税込)で販売しております。但し「出嶌達也ショップ by BASE」では容量オーバーのため取り扱っておりません。このためアーティストからの直接販売となっており、購入ご希望の方は出嶌達也本人までご連絡ください。この本編動画ではライブでは味わえない「超至近距離トークと演奏」が楽しめます。
This is a promotional video for a new performance video!
The main part “Tatsuya Dejima Concert Movie” is: 5 songs (Venus, Desert Wind, June Symphonia, Gone Away, Khumbu Himal, 5 songs in total + about 50 minutes including talk about playing method and explanation of songs, about 5.5GB) So, the download price is 4000 yen (tax included). However, it is not available at the “Tatsuya Dejima Shop by BASE” due to overcapacity. For this reason, it is sold directly from the artist, so if you would like to purchase it, please contact Tatsuya Dejima himself. In this main video, you can enjoy “super close-range talk and performance” that you can not taste live.
This is a promotional video for a new performance video!
The main part “Tatsuya Dejima Concert Movie” is: 5 songs (Venus, Desert Wind, June Symphonia, Gone Away, Khumbu Himal, 5 songs in total + about 50 minutes including talk about playing method and explanation of songs, about 5.5GB) So, the download price is 4000 yen (tax included). However, it is not available at the “Tatsuya Dejima Shop by BASE” due to overcapacity. For this reason, it is sold directly from the artist, so if you would like to purchase it, please contact Tatsuya Dejima himself. In this main video, you can enjoy “super close-range talk and performance” that you can not taste live.

Live Information
出嶌達也ライブ情報をご希望の方は、以下のフォームにご記入ください。 (ご面倒ですが、お名前はフルネームでお願いします)
- このメールからの配信が迷惑メール設定で届かない可能性がある場合は適宜設定を見直してください。
- ライブ情報を希望されない場合は、その旨ご返信いただければ、配信を停止いたします。