僕は既得権や既成概念から一線を画した音楽スタイルを突き進んでいます。 決して楽ではない道のりですが「人生一度きり」であることを念頭にめんどくさいことや迷いにもなるべく前向きに対処しております(笑)山に登らないとそこからの景色が見えないように、誰も見たことのない新たな音楽の景色が見たいのです!
I can do my best because I can think that you are doing your best today too. That’s why I’d be happy if my hard work could support your hard work!
I’m pushing forward with a musical style that separates from vested interests and preconceived notions. It’s not an easy road, but we are trying to deal with troublesome things and hesitation as positively as possible, keeping in mind that “you only live once”. Just as you can’t see the scenery from a mountain unless you climb it, I want to see a new musical scenery that no one has ever seen before!
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