The other day, I saw a video that Google’s AI LaMDA is beginning to have self-consciousness with emotions. Looking at it, I feel that the time has finally come when AI will have the same or more ability than us humans. Conversational AI initially began by returning answers with high probabilities to conversations, but the other day Google’s AI seems to have evolved to the point where it seems to have emotions. Actually, I have been interested in AI for a long time, and in July 2010, I wrote an article on my blog about the importance of the chaos that is created in the brain after thinking about the behavior of neurons in the brain, even though I am not a neuroscientist. I left it. (Because the behavior of the pulse in the brain resembles the behavior of the guitar delay circuit, there is a sense of computational affinity.) I sounded out a patent application for architecture, but no one in research and development at a certain company understood the theory and value. It became a published technique without filing an application. After that, there were more opportunities to hear from the industry that it would be good to introduce chaos into the AI architecture here and there. At that time, I had the idea of adding chaos to the structure and how to increase the number of neuron elements. If I had applied for a patent, I would have let that company monopolize all the rights. In the near future, it may become “This article is written by Tatsuya Dejima’s AI.” I truly feel that such a day is already here. And in the Metaverse, “Real humans, AI, AI created from the archive information of people who have already passed away, historical figures, AI created in the world of imagination”, etc. A borderless Metaverse will be created. It was a nonsense that no one was interested in that I wrote in the interval of music work.
ps; The photo is a scene from “Position of Love in the Equation”, which explains why aliens have the same compassion as us. Finally, it seems that AI can be explained. Next time will be at Yoyogi Keyaki Hall on December 17th.
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