目に見える様々な出来事のすべての元をたどってゆくとどこに行き着くのか? その原点とは何か? 僕は独自の視点で『数式に記された愛』によって自然現象の究極のメカニズムを知っていただき、そこに記された人間本来の在り方まで学び取るという芸術活動を行なっています。おもしろそうでしょ!

小説 『数式に記された愛』https://tatsuyadejima.tokyo/2730/
Nowadays, science, religion and philosophy are beginning to connect. For example, one of the characteristics of quantum physics, “entanglement of quantum”, is very similar to the concept of human interdependence in the philosophy of Chukan. From my own point of view, I think enlightenment is physics itself.
There is a gap between what appears in front of you and what you see at the ultimate origin. No matter how much you try to understand the world, if you do not know the origin, you will not understand how you are in reality and you will continue to get lost.
Where do you go by tracing all the sources of the various visible events? What is the origin? From my own point of view, I perform the artistic activity of showing the ultimate mechanism of natural phenomena by “Position of Love in the Equqtion” and learning the true human being described there.
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