From “quantum and chaos” to “love and trial”
Since it’s the New Year, I would like to write a little about what I think about the world. It’s just my idea, but if you like, please get along!
- It is generally accepted that the universe was born when the equilibrium between a single particle and an antiparticle was lost. (This phenomenon is called CP violation → the first fluctuation occurs)
- Since then, it is self-evident that everything from all objects to our bodies and spirits has become complicated and evolved to this point. (One of the things that contributed to this complexity is the law of chaos, which can be expressed by mathematical formulas.)
- Isn’t “quantum entanglement” evolving by the same chaos law as the law responsible for these evolutions? (Quantum entanglement = connection of Quantums. No matter how far away, when one quantum is observed, another state changes at the same time.)
If so, we may be connected at the quantum level and originally one. (Quantum is a smaller concept than an atom and is a state rather than a thing)
- We tend to get caught up in the narrow perspective of individuals, but we should be aware of the perspective of “essentially one, everyone is connected.”
Furthermore, we need to reaffirm the importance of “love and trials,” which have been essential requirements for evolution, and to disregard the social order that has taken over the laws of nature. (By the way, I explain why the essential requirement can be regarded as “Position of Love in the Equation” in my own way of thinking, such as in my novel or the event “Position of Love in the Equation”.)
I think that Corona will rebuild the new normal, new standards, and new order, but from now on, it will be necessary to adopt the idea of adapting to the laws of nature as described above. I would like to continue to make such proposals through my artistic activities.
Thank you for reading to the end!
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