The day before yesterday, after watching Noh with my childhood friends, I was about to move to dinner when a sudden thunderstorm struck. I was very grateful to be able to take shelter from the rain at the Kongo Noh Theater. After a while, the rain suddenly stopped and the daimonji was lit up safely, and we were able to enjoy our meal. Not only this time, for some reason, the rain suddenly stopped and the lights were lit when the time in capital letters came, and it has become a legend among Kyoto people. It was a day when I was able to appreciate the love of my ancestors again by talking about such things while looking at Daimonji.
In general, Noh stories are often fantastic and have a happy ending, but this year’s performance was a hopeless story until the very end. However, there is a good explanation that the hero of the tragedy can be saved by watching Daimonji after watching the Noh, and Noh is a spectacular entertainment with Daimonji as a backdrop, and I was able to enjoy Daimonji twice as much!
In general, Noh stories are often fantastic and have a happy ending, but this year’s performance was a hopeless story until the very end. However, there is a good explanation that the hero of the tragedy can be saved by watching Daimonji after watching the Noh, and Noh is a spectacular entertainment with Daimonji as a backdrop, and I was able to enjoy Daimonji twice as much!
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