I would appreciate it if you could refer to the following for the recent care of the small garden at home.
1, Transitioning from an English garden to a Japanese garden (I especially love maple, horsetail, and black bamboo)
2. The brightness and color of garden lights are very important. So I changed to a bright garden light maker (I changed to a maker called Berkley, and the bright warm colors made the atmosphere much better. I recommend it! Reference; https://berkley.co.jp/
3. Introduced a Kyoto lantern (I bought a bad product somewhere, so I waterproofed it by DIY.)
4, The color of the illumination light of the pergola is also warm.
1, Transitioning from an English garden to a Japanese garden (I especially love maple, horsetail, and black bamboo)
2. The brightness and color of garden lights are very important. So I changed to a bright garden light maker (I changed to a maker called Berkley, and the bright warm colors made the atmosphere much better. I recommend it! Reference; https://berkley.co.jp/
3. Introduced a Kyoto lantern (I bought a bad product somewhere, so I waterproofed it by DIY.)
4, The color of the illumination light of the pergola is also warm.

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