One of my artistic activities, “Position of Love in the Equation” is a music art event that is different from ordinary music live performances, but you will learn a little simple “mathematical formulas in chaos theory.” Although mathematical formulas may seem difficult, they are actually “symbols of the basic laws of the world”, and understanding this is a glimpse of the “basic rules underlying the world.”
Once you understand this formula (mechanism), you can see how the world follows this law. Why is “love” important? Why do we need to accept “hardship”? Why do we find “beauty” attractive? etc.
I will provide it in a fun and entertaining format with live live music to explain chaos theory and mathematical formulas in an easy-to-understand manner.
Last year it was postponed twice and the next time is undecided and it will be held irregularly, but if you have not seen it yet, please join us next time.
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