The natural phenomenon (although it is a mathematical formula) used in “Position of Love in the Equqtion” creates “diversity (chaos)”. Diversity is also the mechanism by which humanity evolves and survives, but it is by no means “random”. At first glance it may seem random, but in reality there is a law, which is the “chaos defined in the scientific world” and the mechanism that creates diversity of natural origin. How diverse should humanity recognize? It is thought that it is necessary to recognize it when various things come out and respond for the future. Because the emergence of diversity is timely, depending on the degree of human desire. This can all be explained by mathematical formulas (or rather, the laws of nature). And this series of phenomena is closely related to “the prototype of love, the law of beauty, the social form and the way of the economy”. To my eyes, the way society is created today seems to be “revisionist-led, which moves after seeing the results,” but of course that is also important, but I also learned about the fundamental laws of nature, and that We believe that the trend of building a society that does not go backwards is very important, and we are continuing the activities of “Position of Love in the Equqtion”.
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