知的音楽アートイベント「数式に記された愛 / オーバーチュア」を開催します!(AFF2 文化庁「ARTS for the future! 2」補助対象事業)
【数式に記された愛】は自然の法則から「愛や試練」の大切さを見出す斬新な音楽エンターテイメントです。( 文化庁「ARTS for the future! 2」補助対象事業)このイベントは2009年から音楽家の 「出嶌達也(でじまたつや)」によってスタートしました。タイトルを見るとなんだか難しそうの思えますが実際は音楽を絡めたおしゃべりのある楽しいイベントですのでお気軽にいらしてください!
このイベントは特定の思想や宗教などとは一切関係ありません。理論のベースにしているものは数学のカオス理論(chaos theory)が用いられ、これを出嶌達也ならではの視点で解説・表現される知的アートイベントです。当日はカオスや数式への理解を深めていただくために、生演奏やスライドを用いたプレゼンテーションが行なわれます。
・ピアニスト・作曲家 真野恵子 https://keim-music.wixsite.com/keim
・常陸阿国(ひたちのおくに)ジャスミン https://www.jasmine-bellydance.com
・ピアニスト・作曲家 真野恵子 https://keim-music.wixsite.com/keim
・常陸阿国(ひたちのおくに)ジャスミン https://www.jasmine-bellydance.com
[Position of Love in the Equation] is a novel music entertainment that discovers the importance of “love and trials” from the laws of nature. (Agency for Cultural Affairs “ARTS for the future! 2” subsidized project)
This event was started in 2009 by musician Tatsuya Dejima. Looking at the title, it may seem difficult, but it’s actually a fun event with music and chatting, so please feel free to come!
The unique part of this event is that the natural phenomena that created the world and played a role in the evolution of the world are represented by the formulas of chaos theory. It’s really important! It’s a place where you can re-recognize. (The love here is not the love of sexuality, but a phenomenon like compassion.)
This event has nothing to do with any particular thought or religion. The theory is based on the chaos theory of mathematics, and it is an intellectual art event that explains and expresses this from the unique perspective of Tatsuya Dejima. On the day of the event, presentations using live music and slides will be held to deepen your understanding of chaos and mathematical formulas.
Originally, both art and science originated from the same phenomenon. Tatsuya Ideshima has talked about this in his daily live MCs. In particular, I have introduced phenomena created by resonance and interference (chaos, etc.), and in these phenomena we can see the guideline for our lives. The real pleasure of this event is to learn and enjoy these together through music and presentations.
By the way, the mathematical formula uses a simple chaos theory formula to help you understand the basic mechanism of natural phenomena. When you hear mathematical formulas, you may think that they are difficult, but even those who are not good at mathematical formulas can easily understand and enjoy it enough, so please do not worry.
In the live performance, along with pianist/composer Keiko Mano and dancer Hitachiokuni Jasmine, “Simple chaotic formulas sublime into beautiful audiovisuals after an unbelievable amount of time.” I hope you can feel the image realistically. Feel the abyss of love while getting intoxicated by the realistic performance and physical expression unique to live performances!
This time, please apply from the ticket site below.
This event was started in 2009 by musician Tatsuya Dejima. Looking at the title, it may seem difficult, but it’s actually a fun event with music and chatting, so please feel free to come!
The unique part of this event is that the natural phenomena that created the world and played a role in the evolution of the world are represented by the formulas of chaos theory. It’s really important! It’s a place where you can re-recognize. (The love here is not the love of sexuality, but a phenomenon like compassion.)
This event has nothing to do with any particular thought or religion. The theory is based on the chaos theory of mathematics, and it is an intellectual art event that explains and expresses this from the unique perspective of Tatsuya Dejima. On the day of the event, presentations using live music and slides will be held to deepen your understanding of chaos and mathematical formulas.
Originally, both art and science originated from the same phenomenon. Tatsuya Ideshima has talked about this in his daily live MCs. In particular, I have introduced phenomena created by resonance and interference (chaos, etc.), and in these phenomena we can see the guideline for our lives. The real pleasure of this event is to learn and enjoy these together through music and presentations.
By the way, the mathematical formula uses a simple chaos theory formula to help you understand the basic mechanism of natural phenomena. When you hear mathematical formulas, you may think that they are difficult, but even those who are not good at mathematical formulas can easily understand and enjoy it enough, so please do not worry.
In the live performance, along with pianist/composer Keiko Mano and dancer Hitachiokuni Jasmine, “Simple chaotic formulas sublime into beautiful audiovisuals after an unbelievable amount of time.” I hope you can feel the image realistically. Feel the abyss of love while getting intoxicated by the realistic performance and physical expression unique to live performances!
This time, please apply from the ticket site below.

Live Information
出嶌達也ライブ情報をご希望の方は、以下のフォームにご記入ください。 (ご面倒ですが、お名前はフルネームでお願いします)
- このメールからの配信が迷惑メール設定で届かない可能性がある場合は適宜設定を見直してください。
- ライブ情報を希望されない場合は、その旨ご返信いただければ、配信を停止いたします。