There are many things to learn in the laws of nature other than chaos. For example, in quantum mechanics, scholars discuss and publish papers on the relationship between Buddhist Madhyamaka philosophy and Confucian moderation. As an example of the correspondence between quantum mechanics and Buddhist philosophy, “entanglement of quantum” is “relationship”, “vacuum state” is “concept of sky”, “string theory” is “GODAI NO HIBIKI”, “non-self-identity”. There are various types such as “ARAYASHIKI”. It’s my own interpretation to the last, but I’m excluding what I think is an overextended interpretation, and telling us the “genuine law” that I really think is “important as a guideline for living!” I think it should be done, and even now, “love written in mathematical formulas” is being developed based on chaos theory. (The photo is Montblanc I bought at the supermarket. lol 🙂
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